Saturday, February 03, 2007

Our flight to Thailand

Well, it has taken me a couple of days to get going on my updates but I will try to keep up with this. The traveling in business class made the trip a little more comfortable with reclining chairs, movies, and better service. But even with the additional benefits, I only slept around 3hrs for the entire trip. The 13 hrs going to Japan was bearable but towards the last 2 hrs of the flight I was really wanting to get down out of the air. You try to pass the time by distracting yourself with reading and watching movies. The entire trip I literally watched around 7-8 movies. My recommendation is to not worry about time and don't look at your watch. We landed in Japan and had a quick connecting flight. It was a very nice airport and it was interesting to begin to see the differences in cultures. Unfortunately, it was very cloudy so there weren't any good pictures to take. From Japan, it was another 7 hrs to Bangkok and that trip consisted again of many movies and not much sleep. We arrived in Bangkok around 1am in the morning on Friday. We found our luggage, went through immigration, customs, and then went to find a driver who was supposed to be waiting for us. Well, we never could find our driver. There was a large group of people holding up signs for different people but we looked and looked and he never appeared. So after some confusion, we got a van that would take us to our hotels. We found out later that we could have paid about half the price of the van, but it was worth it for all of us to go in one car. So we arrived at the hotel around 3am in the morning. The cab stopped by the guards outside the hotel as security looked underneath the taxi for bombs. This is definitely a change, but all of the offices or hotels have security that check cars before they are allowed to enter. Security in general is much more present than in the states. We weren't real tired so we went and found some internet to let everyone know we had made the trip OK. I ended going to sleep around 4:30 in morning. It will be a long first day in the big city.

Flight to Thailand Pictures


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