Saturday, February 03, 2007

First Night in Bangkok

With going to bed at 4 in the morning and not getting hardly any sleep, you think I would sleep forever but we woke up around 9 in the morning to have breakfast. It is actually a pretty typical breakfast and they have cocoa crispies so not too different from home. We were pretty tired so we went back up to our rooms and rested. At 4 pm we walked over to where our office building is and met up with Leanne, our manager. We went up to the office for a short period and met John and some of the other members of the team. Around 6 p.m. Leanne, Jeremy, and I headed over to John's house to meet his wife and another couple who are both expats for DST. Their house was really nice and all around the condo had great view of the city. Later in the evening, we went out to eat Mexican food. I didn't think my first meal in Thailand would have been in a Mexican restaurant but I ordered a chicken burrito, which was good and only a little different than in the states. I don't think the burrito would survive on the boulevard. After that, we went to what is called the night bazaar. I didn't get any pictures of the entire place but there was a giant ferris wheel and a large open area with a band playing on the stage. The band played almost all American songs songs from the Cranberries to new Fergi songs. It was quite amusing. The highlight of the night was riding in the tuktuks. They drive you around weaving in out of traffic and go a lot faster than you would expect. Finally, you can see pictures of the 3 liters of beer that they call the towers. After a couple of beers we were pretty tired so we caught another tuktuk home and called it a night.

First Night Out Pictures!

Hotel in Bangkok Pictures!

Second Time at Night Market - Dancing Dragons


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