Monday, February 05, 2007

2nd Day Filled with Shopping

The second day I was up again very early in the morning. I decided to go run on the treadmill in the hotel but later we did a lot of walking so the running wasn't really necessary. We met up with some of the members of the team and they were going to show us the Siam Shopping area and how to travel on the BTS Skytrain. We met Puvanai(Ong), Wirat(Boy) , and (A). Their nicknames are enclosed. The names are much different than ours but once you say them enough, you forget how unique they are. It took about 10 minutes for them to explain how to get a ticket for the skytrain but by the end of the day we started to not look so lost. We traveled down a crowded BTS just like New York and ended up in the Siam Shopping Center that had about 4 huge malls. The first mall was MBK and had all of the discount goods. I decided to give the DVDs a try and buy Borat for 100 baht or around $3. They told us to come back in 20 minutes and they would have the DVD ready. I don't know if they go to the back and get the DVDs or if they actually burn them once requested. They had many movies that haven't even been released. It was amazing how much stuff they had to sell. Next, we went to another mall that had more normal retail and high end shops. We went by a radio booth where a popular Thai singer was and the young Thai girls were taking pictures and singing along with the music. There was also a concert outside the mall with many teenagers. Another mall we went to was the Siam Paragon. It had an aquarium in the basement, car dealerships, movie theatres, and a bowling alley in the mall. We didn't get to make it to all of the floors but after all the shopping it was time to go eat some real Thai food. We went to Ban Khun Mae and all ordered different meals to share and try. In general, the meals where similar to the ones in the U.S. with slight differences. There was a mixture of rice, seafood, soups, and chicken and it was all very good especially since 6 people ate for around $30. After dinner, we had worn ourselves out with shopping so we went back to our hotels.

2nd Day Shopping Pictures


At 10:21 AM, Blogger dt63877 said...

I'm glad you made it without too much trouble. Interesting about the security. Good to know you can still get a decent burrito, (chicken, huh?) Hope you were able to catch news about the game, it was pretty good.


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