Saturday, April 07, 2007

Typical Day of Work

At the begining of March our office moved to a new building. I liked the old office but it was very cramped and the new office is a better facilty long term for the company. I miss eating at the All Seasons Complex because there was such a variety of places to eat. You could always find something different to eat. The new office building is a limited on close places to eat within the building. Yet, there are still plenty of places to go outside the building. With the new office they have a company to cater food for 40 baht. The choices are limited, but it is good that it is so cheap. Close by the office is the Queens Sirkit Park and the Emporium Mall, which I will write about in the future. My typical day:

It starts at 6:30 am with me hearing the sound of beeping from my alarm clock, which is still my cell phone right now. Another thing to buy on my list. I admit that I hit snooze a couple times and then get up to get ready. I do the usual showering,ironing,etc and pack up my back pack with my laptop or whatever I will need for the day. I head out the door and out to the street where the security usually greets me with a salute and it still feels a bit akward. It's about a 10 mintue walk up to the BTS station. As I'm walking, I pass many people bustling to get to work and many street vendors serving all types of meat on stick, soup, rice, and sandwiches. I haven't built up the courage to try the street food yet. I get to the BTS and walk up the many stairs and the light sweat that I have going tends to pick up a bit. I hop on the Skytrain that is sometimes very empty or very busy, but it gives some relief with the air conditioning. The office is 4 stops away, which I sometimes pass by listening to my Zune. I get off usually with a large number of people and we hurriedly walk toward the exit of the BTS. When I wear my glasses, they fog up from leaving the train and going into the heat. It is just an odd observation. As I exit the BTS, there is a stand that serves baked muffins and pastries. I usually pick something up and then get some chocolate milk from 7 eleven. It is another 10 minute walk to the office. I usually get into the office around 8 to 8:30 and I try to dry myself off from the daily commute. In the month of April I may consider taking a cab.

The day in the office varies depending on what's going on for the day. My time is spent divided between prepartion for the training of the day and then any other things that need to be addressed. Usually I have different forms that need to be filled out, time entry issues, or whatever comes up for the day. Around lunchtime, I grab something to eat at 12 either at the lunch area or sometimes Subway. After lunch, we have training the rest of the day 'till about 5pm. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we go straight from training to Thai class from 5 to 6:30pm. So usually I get out of the office around anywhere from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. I head out of the office and back towards my apartment. At night the heat is not as bad and usually it's pretty nice. I stop and get dinner somewhere and by the time I get back to my place it is kind of late. A couple of times a week I try to work out or run. Other than that, I normally run some errands, check the internet, or catch a movie. The end of the night comes and I get ready for the next day. That is my typical work day in Bangkok. It is different from my old one, but I enjoy the change.

New Office


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