Friday, June 22, 2007

PiPi Don

The first day was spent arriving at the beach, checking out the shops, and laying on the beach and doing some small snorkeling. It was a nice relaxing beach and was great until some clouds and rain moved in. We had some dinner at this seafood restaurant and I had the silver fish in the pictures. The next day we went to the north beach and rented a kayak. We kayaked out the bay and to monkey beach. It was kind of stormy so it was a bit rocky, but the beach had great white sand and some monkeys for some good pictures. After some rest on the beach we kayaked back. After lunch we took a boat trip out to PiPi Leh where the movie “The Beach” was filmed. We got to do some great snorkeling, but unfortunately the underwater camera was broken and the pictures didn’t turn out. There was a bit of a storm so we had to walk over the island to the other beach in the rain. It kind of ruined the laying on the beach, but I think it added to the natural feel and a little bit of adventure to the island. The storm picked up when we were leaving and we had to have the workers paddle us out of the rapid waters. We ate dinner on the boat and headed back to PiPi Don. We caught some great fire performers at this bar before we called it a night.
PiPi Don Pictures Monkey Beach Pics PiPi Ley Pics


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